Grain Free Coconut Crunch Mango Granola


July 27, 2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ac venenatis orci, in egestas magna. Nunc accumsan nec elit sit amet gravida. Donec fringilla, mauris at vulputate tincidunt, magna nisl finibus nisi, ut lobortis nunc nulla nec tortor. Vivamus in vehicula sem. Nullam ultrices efficitur lacus, et tincidunt orci vehicula id. Praesent mollis, tellus sit amet posuere vestibulum, nulla erat commodo urna, ac volutpat elit erat vitae nisl.

  • Prep: 25 mins
  • Cook: 5 mins
  • Yields: 2 Servings


3 cup Coconut flakes (unsweetened, found in health food shops)

2 cup Cashews, roughly chopped

2 tbsp Chia seeds

1/3 cup Faxmeal

1/2 cup Almond meal

1/2 cup Coconut oil, melted

10 dash Liquid stevia (optional)

1/2 cup Dried mango, roughly chopped


1Preheat oven to 150 degrees Celsius (300F), and line a baking tray with baking paper.

2Combine the coconut oil and stevia in a bowl, mixing well, then add the remaining ingredients. except the mango, mixing until combined.

3Tip the ingredients onto to baking tray, spreading evenly, and place in the oven to cook for 40-60 minutes. After 20 minutes has passed, remove the tray from the oven, and using a spatula flip the mixture so all sides cook evenly. Return to the oven and repeat this process every 10-15 minutes until it has reached the desired colour of golden brown.

4Once toasted, remove from the oven, add the mango and let cool on the tray. Once cold place in an air tight container (or your mouth!) and store for up to a week.
